Monday, March 30, 2009

I Lied

Did you see my post from Saturday? I excitedly announced that we were done! (Not sure it went out via e-mail...) Anywho, I think I lied. Some diapers are still trickling we will have a slightly new update later this week. Stay tuned.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

We're Done!!!!

Can you believe it? This week, we hit 25,626 diapers-in less than 2 months. That's incredible. What's even more incredible is the amount of things that have happened because of this. The Pregnancy Center was contacted by someone in Cleveland-who heard about the diaper drive-and wanted to donate 2,000 onesies! (They have already received their first box...) Also, I was contacted by someone in Michigan, who decided they wanted to do a service project and decided on a diaper drive after hearing about mine! It's truly amazing how one thing can grow into something so much more.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The End is In Sight

Wow-it's hard to believe this is week 7, and the new diaper total is 21,400! That is really amazing when you think about it.

Some people have asked me about this experience-what I have learned, and how it has been. I've learned fundraising is hard-though I wouldn't say that was a surprise. I've been in sales most of my life, so I was well aware of that piece of it.

I've also learned that places I thought would definitely support this-have not, and other places, where I did not expect support, have been phenomenal. I have received cards and letters in the mail from complete strangers. I have had phone calls with additional ideas and suggestions. And finally, the media has been really great in helping to spread the word. I have always believed that people want to help, will step up and do good, provided they know how or what to do. I think this just proved my point.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's all over the State! Columbus Dispatch

So yesterday a friend of mine let me know that while he was reading the Columbus Dispatch, he read about me and my diaper drive! They picked up the article the Cincinnati Enquirer wrote and ran it yesterday. Here it is.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Are you ready for the new total???? Are you sitting? We are up to 16,900 diapers! Can you believe it???? That is AMAZING when you consider we have been at this for 6 weeks.

This week was a great week! My church has been wonderful in supporting me in this project. (If you are around Middletown, you should come visit. Click here. They do a lot of great things.)

Secondly, the Cincinnati Enquirer did a story which hopefully will help us with the remaining 8,000. If you haven't yet donated, now is the time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cincinnati Enquirer Article

Today, Anna and I made our debut in the Cincinnati Enquirer! The article is really cute, and talks about the PILES and PILES of diapers that have moved into my front room. Want to see what they had to say? Click here!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March Madness! or maybe it's Diaper Madness?

Well, another week down and we are up to 11,250 diapers. That's almost halfway there.

So... I now have a whole bunch of links that are getting lost in all my posts....Here are the important ones:

1-How to Donate

2-Contact Me

3-Publicity Links